Jerry Teixeira of Body Weight Strength

Jerry Teixeira of Body Weight Strength

For those of us in the AEC space, we’re often required to be sedentary. Drive to work, sit at desk, sit at meeting, sit at lunch, sit on plane, sitting, sitting and more sitting! At the end of a long day, who has time for the gym?! I’m the first struggle with finding the time to maintain proper fitness and living in hotels and eating out doesn’t help. Fortunately, I discovered Jerry Teixeira of Body Weight Strength!

Good News! Jerry Teixeira of Body Weight Strength will be presenting at the 2023 AEC Leadership Retreat. Body Weight Strength is all about maintaining good fitness without going to a gym and uses no equipment - just your own body weight. From beginner to advanced, Jerry teaches you the right way to do one pushup, one pull-up, one squat and more. Check out his inspiring video below. Perfect for beginners.

During our one-hour long discussion / QnA, Jerry will tell his story. His passion for body weight lifting exercises is inspiring! Jerry’s approach to fitness is perfect for busy executives just like us. And he’s even offered to lead anyone interested in group morning exercises. Maybe he’ll even talk about his experience in construction management! :)

I think you’ll agree in the importance of a holistic and resilient Leadership. Relilient leadership is influenced by a multitude of factors:

How you show up - thanks to Leadership Facilitator Randy Benn!

Eating right - thanks Chef Charles Semail!

Physical well-being - thanks Fitness Leader Jerry Teixeira!

Kind regards -

Phil Read / CEO Read | Thomas /


Question and Answer with Jerry Teixeira


2023 Fall AEC Leadership Retreat