Question and Answer with Jerry Teixeira

Sitting in meetings, sitting on airplanes, sitting in taxis and more sitting! How does a busy executive find time for fitness when there isn't even time left at the end of the day to drive to the gym? Introducing Jerry Teixeira of Body Weight Strength.

No gym. At home. 20 minutes. No gimmicks. No weights. Just you. And it's easier (and harder:) than you think.

My personal experience with body weight exercises started the spring of 2019, after seeing my photo (below left). At 6ft, 225lbs, and knowing both my parents had history of diabetes, I decided to change habits. But I didn't want to buy a lot of expensive equipment and spending time/money for a gym membership didn't make sense. About this time I came across Jerry's YouTube Channel.

Here's what I did:

  • First, six months of intermittent fasting.

  • Second, started body weight lifting exercises, 3X a week.

When I started, I couldn't even do five push-ups or shoulder press dips in a row. Within a year I could do 50+ without stopping. All I did was push ups and dips to failure, 3X per day, 3X per week. After a few weeks I started doing the pushups and dips every day. It felt good, and the small gains created a positive feedback loop to keep going.

Eventually, I started doing eight exercises to failure once a day. I usually do each exercise spread throughout the day. Each effort one only takes a minute or two and it the relieves the stress of the day during the day, rather than waiting till the end of the day. I presently follow Jerry's "20 minutes, No Weights" video for intermediate levels.

Last fall, I added sprinting 3X per week.10 sprints for 10 seconds and one minute apart. Only takes 10 minutes. I hate jogging! :)

If you could ask Jerry anything related to fitness, what would it be? Next Tuesday, Jerry and I are going to record a 15 minute Zoom webinar. We'll discuss his interests and ideas for this year's retreat. Please email or reply below with your questions.

Kind regards -

Phil Read / CEO Read | Thomas /


2023 Retreat Canoe Trip Essentials


Jerry Teixeira of Body Weight Strength