The 7 Stages of Adult Development

Turning to Fall. Holden Beach NC

Here's another update on the previously referenced AEC Leadership Retreat. I'm still working from the coast of North Carolina. We're four weeks away from the planned leadership retreat the week of September 21st. Time to sit down for another thoughtful QnA with facilitator and leadership coach Randy Benn who will facilitate the event. Time to add more details about the event as well.

  • Location: Lake Swan Camp. Melrose, Fla. Easy drive from most of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Alabama. If you're flying I'd suggest Gainsville Regional Airport (GNV). 30 minutes Uber / Taxi to camp.

  • Cost: $600 per person. Includes lodging for 4 nights and all meals.

  • When: Monday afternoon (September 21) through Friday morning (September 25)

  • Attendees: Limited to 50 Attendees.

  • Specifics: Food. Accommodation. Goals. Start here.

During this update Randy discusses the 7 Stages of Adult Development. We're not static. We don't stop growing. These stages are not intuitive and unlikely learned via trial and error. The goal is to rise above your V.U.C.A. world that wants you to react when we should be learning to thoughtfully respond. Rise above the distractions, stress and noise and learn quietly thrive. It's not just about what you think but more importantly how you think.

If you're interested in learning more about the scheduled AEC Fall AEC Leadership Retreat please let me know via email (along with a brief why). This will let Randy and I can get a better sense of how we might proceed.

Kind regards - 

Phil Read / CEO ReadThomas /


2021 Fall AEC Leadership Retreat


The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence