The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence

Sunrise - Holden Beach, NC

According to Leadership Coach Randy Benn, deeply technical experts often confuse the value of being "technically" correct with being "authentic". We've learned to place so much value on the importance (and familiar) desire to be correct that at times we miss important cues and context. Being Authentic is one of five core traits of Emotional Intelligence and a trait of successful leaders. During this chat Randy discusses each of the five traits.

Randy is a lawyer in Washington DC with degrees in Political Science, Psychology and Juris Doctor (Duke University) as well as an Executive and Leadership Coach (Georgetown).

Randy is also the brother of Wesley Benn, Executive Chairman at Digital Built Environment Institute. You’ll have probably met Randy at one of the many BILT conferences. Randy has agreed to be the facilitator for the (hopeful) fall retreat-style event.

If you've read this far - thank you! :) If you're interested in learning more about our scheduled AEC Fall AEC Leadership Retreat please let me know via email (along with a brief why). This will let Randy and I can get a better sense of how we might proceed.

Kind regards - 

Phil Read / CEO ReadThomas /


The 7 Stages of Adult Development


Update on Fall AEC Leadership Retreat