2024 AEC Leadership Retreat Update

Holding a professional leadership conference where partners and kids are welcome is crazy right? Conferences are noisy, sensory overloading, open-bar fueling, where you're locked in a hotel that's locked in the middle of a expensive big city.

But what if your conference is the opposite of all the above?

What if the conference is quiet, surrounded by nature, minus the alcohol, full of open spaces, and inexpensive? And as a bonus - there's counselor led activities for the little ones during the day?

First, the stress of being away from partner and kids is diminished. It gives you options and enhances work-life balance. And everyone gets to decompress for the week.

Second, we believe that a good work-life balance (money and meaning) creates higher job satisfaction. The result for good leadership is better team engagement, cohesiveness, and loyalty. Rather than being in it for yourself, good leaders create high trust environments where everyone is in it for the benefit of the team.

Third, conferences are wonderful networking opportunities. But good networks are more than just professional events where you add other professionals to your LinkedIn profile. Family-friendly conferences create informal, yet valuable and holistic networking opportunities. Partners stressed out over work-life balance may even share experiences, leading to stronger connections. Even within your professional communities.

Finally, (and paraphrasing Mark Twain) "Don't let schooling interfere with your education." Counselor led activities are wonderful opportunities for school aged children. As professionals, we look forward to conferences in part because we're not going to be stuck behind a desk all week. Well - kids feel the same way! Get them out of their desks for a week and let them be curious, eat well, active, sleeping soundly, and waking refreshed ready for the next adventure!

According to Director Perry Rollins, counselor-lead activities can include:
- Beginning Archery
- Lakefront and Intro to Canoeing
- Outdoor School and Nature Walks
- Campfire Building
- Intro to Orienteering
- More TBD!
Pretty good for a week away from "school" :)


- Kids are complimentary (includes meals, accommodations, and activities)
- Partners are $1899 pricing (includes meals, accommodations and activities - but not leadership sessions)
- Families share a camp cabin room

Added bonus? One week of someone else doing the dishes. That's something the whole family can get behind! :)

Pricing is $1899 and includes all accommodations, meals, sessions and activities. The AEC Leadership Retreat is limited to 40 attendees - register today! Register via Google Forms.


AEC Leadership Retreat Menu


Announcing 2024 AEC Leadership Retreat